Discover How to Not Go Broke Paying for College
[1-888-237-2087 x 2] Give us a call to schedule a free consultation or contact us via email.
START HERE – Video Introduction (7 Minutes)
In these College Workshop videos, J.D. the founder of explains the College Ranking System. You have probably seen one or more magazines or websites that have a list of the “top” colleges. ‘US News & World Report Best Colleges Edition‘ and ‘Forbes Best Colleges’ are just a few of these ranking publications.
These eye-opening videos discuss who actually gets admitted, who actually gets scholarships and why one needs to Discover the Rules of the College Admission and the Scholarship Game to align yourself to WIN. (Yes, College Admission is a game!)
This next video will answer most of your questions and will answer a lot of questions you may not have considered, in this College Workshop REPLAY video. This video further emphasizes the importance of the College Ranking System and the roll the ranking system plays in admission selection and scholarship funding and how to use the ranking system as leverage for admission and scholarships. When one discovers what a college values (and each college values different things) then one can participate in the appropriate activities and clubs that a college values and write about these things in the resume and college admission essay.
Who is AZCollegePlanning? (2 minute video)
NEXT VIDEO – College Workshop Replay (41 Minutes)
AZ College Planning’s Proprietary Strategies include, One on One College Counseling and Classes which are carefully designed to help your student increase chances of Admission and Scholarships.
As a Full Service Client, these are your benefits. /static/ServiceChecklist.pdf
THIRD VIDEO – Services & Classes (7 minutes)
Contact J.D. and the team at AZ College Planning with this form. If you would like a call back, please provide a phone number that you can be reached at during regular business hours.
If you would like a Free No Obligation College Consultation, please click this link for the request form.
In a nutshell, we at AZ College Planning help student become “Influencers” of themselves and show them how to market/promote themselves to colleges in such a way the college says ‘YES’ we need this specific student to attend our college because THIS student will have a positive impact on our rankings. When the college identifies this in a student, the college will admit your student and give them incentives such as scholarships and grants.
We have hundreds of Admission Letters; here are several examples.
$73,404 in scholarships and grants per year to attend Columbia for a total of $293,616!
If you have questions after viewing the video or you would like to schedule a free complementary college consultation to see how and where we can help you save tens of thousands of dollars off college and get admitted to some great colleges, please call us 1-888-237-2087 x2.
After watching the video, contact us to schedule a complementary consultation to see how and where we can help you save tens of thousands of dollars off the cost of college and get admitted to some great colleges.
If you would like to explore becoming a full client which includes personal one on one coaching, access to all the classes that are in person and online/streaming plus helping your student become “influencers” of themselves and properly market/promote themselves to colleges so the colleges WANT to admit them, then please contact me.
Call us 1-888-237-2087 x2. You can also contact us using the email link on this page.
Call us now to reserve your spot for a No Obligation Free College Consultation. (Both parent and student should attend this first meeting.) *Free consultations are limited. Contact us now 888-237-2087 x2
→ Our Proprietary Strategies, One on One College Counseling and Classes are carefully designed to help your student increase chances of Admission and Scholarships.
Since the creation of AZ College Planning in August 2007, we have helped thousands of students get admitted to colleges across the United States.
Our students have been admitted to many top colleges including (in no particular order) UCLA, UC Berkeley, University of Notre Dame, Duke, Columbia University, Yale, Vanderbilt, University of Chicago, Georgetown University, Case Western Reserve, Cal Poly SLO, Creighton, Gonzaga, Washington University Saint Louis, SLU, SPU, OU, ASU Barrett, Brown, CalArts, Pitzer College, United States Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, American University, Pepperdine, Occidental College, Texas Christian University, UCSD, University of San Diego, University of San Francisco, Purdue, USC, Loyola Marymount, Chapman, University of Denver, UT Austin, Southern Methodist University, UNLV, Biola, Whitter College, Azusa Pacific, Claremont McKenna, Pomona, RIT, Florida, U Michigan Ann Arbor, UNC Chapel Hill, Emory, Baylor, Purdue, NAU Honors, U of Arizona Honors, Boston U, Boston College and many more.
Additional videos are available on the official AZ College Planning YouTube page.
*pricing and fees subject to change.