
The Spring College Fair is Sunday March 2, 2025. Two locations: Phoenix West at ASU-West Valley Campus, 4701 W Thunderbird Rd., Glendale, AZ 85306 | University Center Building from 4PM to 5:30 PM. The Phoenix East at Highland High School (4301 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85234) from 12PM to 2PM.  

The Fall College Fair was September 15, 2024 downtown at the Phoenix Convention Center. Plus Admission Recruiters will visit your high school campus. Check back here to see the 2025 Fall date.

BEFORE you meet any Admission Recruiter or attend the college fair, discover what questions to ask, how to develop rapport and how to follow up with the College Admission Recruiters to increase your chances of admission and scholarships a this class.

The human psychology is, if the Admission Recruiter knows you and likes you, the probability of admission and scholarships goes up.

There are secret benefits and serendipities that are associated with properly marketing and selling yourself to colleges. It is essential the student, your student,  understands The Right Way to Pitch Oneself to a College/University.

Here is a story about my daughter. When we identified colleges, there was one school that popped up as her favorite. She then aggressively “marketed” herself (Demonstrated Interest) to this college. The other college on her list was not marketed to properly. The result is college A offered her a very nice scholarship package. College B offered her a $1,000 teaser token scholarship. Both colleges were in the same price zone. College B’s thought process was to save the really good scholarships for the students that they really wanted to recruit.

Why did the first college offer her an exceptional scholarship package? Discover that in this class. *By the way, she was offered $19,600 in total which is much much better than a pittance $1,000. Some students have received 1/2 tuition, full tuition and the coveted Full Ride Plus, by proper positioning and marketing (Demonstrating Interest).

WHAT: This class covers marketing to colleges, how to get on a colleges radar and get on their good side, how to use influence to get admitted & earn scholarships/grants.
WHEN: Tuesday February 25, 2025 6:30 PM – 7:45PM
WHERE: Steaming Online Only
WHO: All students and a parent (this will best benefit 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students)
COST: Free for clients, $297 for non-clients.
CLASS TITLE: 225 Influencer Marketing Class

Market Yourself to Colleges – Class – Promote Yourself to Colleges

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